Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Program Ticket Machine

          Pagi, bagaimana kabarnya semua? Semoga sehat selalu ya :)

          Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mempublish mengenai tugas kuliah saya yang implementasinya sangat dibutuhkan di kehidupan sehari-hari.

          Ya, program pada tugas kali ini yaitu "Ticket Machine". Seperti namanya, Ticket Machine merupakan mesin yang berfungsi untuk melayani penjualan tiket. Baik itu tiket kereta api, pesawat, atau yang lainnya. Langsung saja, berikut kodingannya menggunakan Java di BlueJ.

Source codenya (created by Format My SourceCode for Blogging) :
 public class TicketMachine  
 // The price of a ticket from this machine.  
 private int price;  
 // The amount of money entered by a customer so far.  
 private int balance;  
 // The total amount of money collected by this machine.  
 private int total;  
 * Create a machine that issues tickets of the given price.  
 * Note that the price must be greater than zero, and there  
 * are no checks to ensure this.  
 public TicketMachine(int ticketCost)  
  price = ticketCost;  
  balance = 0;  
  total = 0;  
 * Return the price of a ticket.  
 public int getPrice()  
  return price;  
 * Return the amount of money already inserted for the  
 * next ticket.  
 public int getBalance()  
   return balance;  
 * Receive an amount of money in cents from a customer.  
 public void insertMoney(int amount)  
   balance = balance + amount;  
 * Print a ticket.  
 * Update the total collected and  
 * reduce the balance to zero.  
 public void printTicket()  
   // Simulate the printing of a ticket.  
   System.out.println(“# The BlueJ Line”);  
   System.out.println(“# Ticket”);  
   System.out.println(“# ” + price + ” cents.”);  
   // Update the total collected with the balance.  
   total = total + balance;  
   // Clear the balance.  
   balance = 0;  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class IntMain  
 public static void main(String args[])  
  Scanner scan= new Scanner(System.in);  
  int cost,menu;  
  System.out.println(“Masukkan harga tiket \n”);  
  TicketMachine ticket=new TicketMachine(cost);System.out.println(“1. Get Price”);  
  System.out.println(“2. Get Balance”);  
  System.out.println(“3. Insert Money”);  
  System.out.println(“4. Print Ticket”);  
   case 1:  
   case 2:  
   case 3:  
   int money=scan.nextInt();  
   case 4:  

            Dan setelah di compile program tersebut akan berjalan seperti pada gambar berikut : 

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